Thursday 9 July 2015

Desert Roads Revisited...yet again!

It seems I'm never happy with the terrain I have made because this is the third time I have revisited my desert roads. My first attempt was a temporary affair and the roads I made were rather flimsy and didn't stand up to much use. Then a few months later I had another go and made different set of roads that were much more robust and I think looked a lot better.

I used this set in my Alam Halfa game last year and made more than enough for that particular game. But looking back at my pictures I decided that the roads were 'missing something' and looked far too neat and clean. Not at all like the dark metalled roads with sand encroaching along the edges that I had originally envisaged (see the picture on the right). So over the weekend I finally 'bit the bullet', dug out my desert roads and spent a few hours undertaking some necessary improvement work.

Lots and lots of road... over 30 feet of it in fact. 

To achieve the dark road I simply dry brushed the middle of the road with black paint (why on earth didn't I think of that when I made these?!?). I tried using charcoals and even black crayon on some spare material but neither looked any good so in the end I simply went with my first instinct and dry brushed with my regular acrylic paints. A warning to anyone wanting to copy this idea: dry brushing paint directly to a sandpaper road surface utterly destroys brushes! Having said that I think the finished effect looks a lot closer to my original idea and I'm really happy with the roads now. So happy in fact that I took the opportunity to make about ten feet of new roadway - including several Junctions - so now I have more than enough for my future wargaming needs... even for games on Posties massive table in the Shed-o-War. 


  1. They look very good indeed. But remember if at first you do not succeed Skydiving may not be for you!

  2. Lee,

    A very simple but effective way to produce roads. They look excellent.

    All the best,


  3. Nice work Lee, they do look very effective!

    1. We'll find out how effective very soon.

  4. Looks good Lee. I always have qualms about "final" steps. I'm always worried about ruining my previous work. I think this does make these roads more realistic.

    1. Thankfully I had some spare road surface (sandpaper) to test various techniques on before committing.

  5. Looking excellent Lee. I can almost smell the tar!

  6. They look excellent! A well timed post as I commence my foray into 15mm North Africa and need to build up my terrain collection. Thanks!


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