Sunday 26 April 2015

Salute 2015 Photo Review

Yesterday I joined several other members of Posties Rejects (and many thousands of other wargamers) at the Salute 2015 show at the Excel Exhibition Centre in London's Docklands. I missed last years event but was determined to go this year, and it goes without saying that I had a great time. I shot over 800 photo's during the course of the day, spoke with hundreds of gamers and traders, met up with a load of talented Bloggers and spent a few quid on a nice haul of goodies. So all in all not a bad day! I've managed to edit my photo's down to a more reasonable 350 and have now labelled, tagged and uploaded them and here is a selection of my favourites. To see the full set (if you have the stamina) click this link.

The queueing system seemed to work well this year - it was certainly well organised and efficient - but the shear number of advance ticket holders meant that it still took us over 20 Minutes to get into the show. Once inside I made a b-line for the other end of the hall where it was much less crowded and then worked my way back over the course of the next couple of hours. By lunchtime I had done one full circuit of the show and taken most of my photo's of the games and had started shopping in earnest. I managed another couple of trips around by the end of the day and left, tired and very footsore, about 4:30. Next year I'm getting more comfortable shoes!

A veritable sea of wargamers queue outside the hall. 
Postie won himself a K&R bag before he had even set foot inside.
Chesterfield Realms of War - Bad Arse
Loughton Strike Force - Napoleon The Last Gamble - 28mm
Crawley Wargames - Stretcher Bearer! - 28mm 
Crawley Wargames - Stretcher Bearer! - 28mm
Beasts of War - Assault on Hoth
Beasts of War - Assault on Hoth
Beasts of War - Assault on Hoth
Later in the day Darth Vader paid a visit to see how his Assault was progressing
Lance and Longbow Society - Agincourt
Lance and Longbow Society - Agincourt
Essex Gamesters - Fort George 1779 - AWI
Essex Gamesters - Fort George 1779 - AWI
Essex Gamesters - Fort George 1779 - AWI
Simon Miller - Bloody Cremona - To the Strongest
Simon Miller - Bloody Cremona - To the Strongest
Ardhamma - Relief of Nordheim - 28mm
Ardhamma - Relief of Nordheim - 28mm
Hornchurch Wargames Club - Quatra Bras 1815 - 3mm
Hornchurch Wargames Club - Quatra Bras 1815 - 3mm
Blitzkreig - Battle for Poland
Blitzkreig - Battle for Poland
Blitzkreig - Battle for Poland
East Street Games - Bullets and Brains
East Street Games - Bullets and Brains
Donnington Miniatures - Battle of Agincourt - 15mm
Donnington Miniatures - Battle of Agincourt - 15mm
Society of Ancients - Battle of Agincourt - 28mm
Glenbrook Games - Ruckus at Redemore - 28mm
Full Thrust - Battlestar Galactica Blood and Steel
Great Escape Games - Iron Cross - 15mm WWII
Crush the Kaiser - Zzap the Zzepp - 1/72nd Scale
Crush the Kaiser - Zzap the Zzepp - 1/72nd Scale
Wyre  Forest Gamers - Battle of Fraustadt 1706 - 6mm
Wyre  Forest Gamers - Battle of Fraustadt 1706 - 6mm
Wyre  Forest Gamers - Battle of Fraustadt 1706 - 6mm
GLC Gamers Club - Battle of Clapham Junction - ACW 15mm
Blackwoolf Wargames Club - 6mm
Blackwoolf Wargames Club - 6mm
Uxbridge Wargames - You should see my soldiers now - ACW 28mm
Jersey Privateers - Battle of Dawlak Archipelago - Dystopian Wars 1/1200th
Jersey Privateers - Battle of Dawlak Archipelago - Dystopian Wars 1/1200th
Peterborough Wargames Club - Dambusters Challenge - 1/72nd Scale
Peterborough Wargames Club - Dambusters Challenge - 1/72nd Scale
Gravesend Gamers Guild - ECW Skirmish - 28mm
Gravesend Gamers Guild - ECW Skirmish - 28mm
Real Time Wargamers - Home before the leaves fall - WWI 10mm
Real Time Wargamers - Home before the leaves fall - WWI 10mm
Wyvern Wargamers - First Ypre 1914 - 12mm
Wyvern Wargamers - First Ypre 1914 - 12mm
Nottingham Games Club - Pegasus Bridge - 28mm
Nottingham Games Club - Pegasus Bridge - 28mm
Wargames Illustrated - Australian Light Horse
Wargames Illustrated - Gold War Gone Hot
Too Fat Lardies - Chain of Command - 28mm
Too Fat Lardies - Chain of Command - 28mm
South London Warlords - Stingray - 1/100th
South London Warlords - Stingray - 1/100th
South London Warlords - Lake of Death
Newark Irregulars - Battleof Guildford Courthouse - AWI 28mm
Newark Irregulars - Battleof Guildford Courthouse - AWI 28mm
Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator
Hawk Wargames - Dropzone Commander - This model is the definition of OCD
Hawk Wargames - Dropzone Commander
Hawk Wargames - Dropzone Commander - 10mm
Hawk Wargames - Dropzone Commander - 10mm
Hawk Wargames - Dropzone Commander - 10mm
Hawk Wargames - Dropzone Commander - 10mm
Blitzkrieg Miniatures - Panzer Battles - 28mm
Blitzkrieg Miniatures - Panzer Battles - 28mm
K&R's Stand
Posties K&R Bag

Well there you have it, a small selection (!) of my pictures from the show. If you want to see more there are a lot more in my Salute 2015 Album.


  1. Loads of great photos Lee, well done!

  2. Thanks for these photos. Now, because of you, I know that I've missed lot of things :mrgreen:


  3. Replies
    1. Just looked at the main gallery - you caught me going into the hall in the 2nd pic!

  4. Top man Lee, thanks for posting.

    All the best


  5. Thanks for posting the great photos of Salute again Lee - looks like it was a really interesting con. I was taken with the Australian Light Horse game - was it 28mm? The set up of the Turkish position looks very much like Beersheba, the scene of one of history's last great cavalry charges in which my great uncle took part. I particularly like the AWI one too - at 28mm those ships look spectacular.

  6. Great photos. Looks like a great day.

  7. Nice one mate, but far too many pics of me, so kindly have a word with yourself and stop that.

    1. I honestly didn't think I'd shot that many pictures. Sorry [chuckle]

    2. Clint - you know how you were saying that you'd missed Eric the Shed? Well, he is stood right next to you in one of the pics at the East Street Games table! ;)

  8. A wonderful review. Many thanks, Lee!

  9. You've mislabled the Battlegroup Blitzkrieg table. It's a Dunkirk game, not Poland.

  10. Lee - many thanks for posting all these pictures - I missed so much of the show (especially the games) as I was busy interviewing for most of the day...

  11. Thanks Lee, a great photo of me in action on the Lance & Longbow game. If you don't mind I'll pop a copy on my blog with the appropriate credit

    1. Sure, copy away. Great game by the way.

  12. Was great to meet, Lee! I am gutted that I missed the blogger photos, though. Best, Simon

  13. Lee
    I am compiling a gallery of photos of my game Wellington's First Battle for use on my blog at, Please could I include your photos together with a link to your blog?

    Garry Wills


Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV