Saturday 25 April 2015

Salute 2015 - Loot!

I'm still plugging away at my pictures and once I have them labelled and categorised I'll post a selection of the best here. In the meantime I thought I'd show off my modest but successful shopping haul from the day. I didn't go to Salute with a pre planned shopping list (always dangerous) but I did know which traders I wanted to visit and where they were in the hall. In the end I came home with everything that I was looking for and a little bit I'm a very happy gamer indeed! 

So what did I buy...not surprisingly a lot of 6mm stuff. I picked up a pack of GHQ SAS Jeeps, and some more LRDG Chevy's but I also found a pack of GHQ Italian L6 Tanks which I desperately needed. I also bought some Mahdist Riflemen from Baccus...what! I hear you cry...well these (hopefully) can be painted to represent local Sennusi Arabs for my Desert Raiders games. I also bought some slightly modern Russian infantry from H&R that I think I can paint as British Commando's. OK that's a bit of a long shot but at 6mm, who the hell is going to know the difference! 

I picked up some more generic scenery in the form of some resin rock formations that can be painted up as wind carved rock formations for me desert games. I restocked some more Dullcote spray, Paints and grass tufts, all of which I can't afford to run out of. And last but not least I bought the brand new Osprey book Stirling's Desert Triumph by Gavin Mortimer. Oh and a bought a Salute Hat. they had run out of Marque sized shirts by the time I got to the Warlords stall so this year I bought a hat instead. All in all not a bad collection of goodies.


  1. My God man!!! Have you no shame!!!!

  2. All very good, all very usable. And a pleasure to meet you again.

    1. And you mate. Thanks again for the Fudge. Whenever my strength flagged I would pop one of those chocolatey cubes of goodness in my mouth and the resultant sugar rush got me going again! Yummy.

  3. Nice loots Lee. Good to see you again! :)

  4. I shall not feel envy... I shall not feel envy... Oh hell, great that you had a good time!

  5. Was great running into you. I spent just £20 with Footsore. A cheap outing!

  6. I completely missed you Lee, sorry! Looks like you had a good day though.

  7. That's a very restrained haul compared to some, good job! Kind of wish I'd ought a hat now seeing yours...

    1. *bought, even - on the wife's laptop and the 'b' key sticks!


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