Monday 9 June 2014

Broadside 2014

On Sunday several members of Posties Rejects converged on Sittingbourne for the Broadside Wargames Show hosted by the Milton Hundred Wargames Club. We put on a smaller display game this year but it was a great success...we won "Best in Show" for our  'Battle of Shaho' game! We spent pretty much all of the day talking to visitors and friends, to the point where we were utterly cream-crackered by the time we went home. Hat's off to our glorious leader - that smooth talking megalomaniac Field Marshal Postie - for all the effort he put into the game, this was definitely his victory.

As usual I shot some pictures, although not as many as usual because we were so busy running our game and talking to visitors. So as is the tradition, here are a selection of my favourite shots from the day with a little commentary.

Setting up our game before the show opened

Ray & Surjit in command of the Russian forces

Postie & Fran at the start of the game

This was about 10:30 and it was already too hot in the hall!

Rainham (Medway) Wargames Club - The Taking of Akaba

Rainham (Medway) Wargames Club - The Taking of Akaba

Crush the Kaiser

Shepway Wargames Club - Somewhere in France Summer 1944

SEEMS - ACW Naval Battle

Back to the Rejects 'Battle of Shaho' game... it was mid afternoon and we had only just reach our first (and only) melee of the game. We were too busy chatting to visitors to play properly.

Another view of the Rejects 'Battle of Shaho' game at its high water mark. We got in just four turns of gameplay during the day because we were talking to visitors nearly all the time.

Skirmish Wargames - The Magnificent Seven

A PlayMobile wargame! Won 'Best use of Table'

Postie receiving the £100 Pen and Sword gift token for "Best Wargame in Show" as voted for by visitors.

Posties Rejects in all our glory! We'll try not to let this victory go to our heads...

The show stopper on our table. Posties scratch built Observation Balloon which game the Russian Artillery a read advantage with indirect fire. 
Well it was a great day and we were thoroughly exhausted by the end, but we all had a really good time. Thanks to the Milton Hundred Wargames Club for putting on the event, they did an excellent job and despite a few hiccups along the way pulled off a great little show. 


  1. I posted 1 minute before you. Second to last picture now has pride of place on the dart board. I totally missed the playmobile game, (Totally toy soldiers, Have to admire there humour) Thanks for putting up some photos of my game, I appreciate it.

    1. I thought your game looked really good. I especially liked the fact you had gone to the effort of making a backdrop for photographs. Very thoughtful.

  2. Well done! Great pictures. I nearly went but it was just a bit too far!

    1. Its not a bad little show albeit a little smaller this year because the whole thing had to fit into one hall rather than two. I thought the organisers did a good job of setting it all up and crammed it plenty of traders and clubs.

  3. Great looking pics, love the Akaba table especially!

  4. Looks to be some very nice games there. Never been to Broadside before- perhaps I should get my ass down there one year!


    1. Its well worth a few hours. Its not a huge show, and car parking is limited to just 4 hours so its not a whole day event. Most traders and clubs started packing up after 3pm. I think many were just glad to get out of the heat!

    2. Right, I have to make the effort next year!


  5. Replies
    1. We had a great day, although the venue was horribly hot and humid (nothing the organisers can do about that of course).

  6. Great game and congratulations! Thanks for sharing all the pics. Nice seeing the Playmobil, technically my first "wargames" were playing with my cavalry figures back in the '70s. :-)

  7. Good to see you again yesterday Lee and congrats for being part of the Best Game

    1. A pleasure as always Tamsin. I think Postie was equal measure chuffed and amazed when we won.

  8. Many congratulations and fabulous photographs. Fran looks decidedly unhappy in the first one though.

    1. He always looks unhappy, its his default look!

    2. Standard expression when near Ray!

  9. Congratulations! Looks like a fun event. I'll try to get there next year.

  10. Sounds like a grad, if sweaty, time ;)


  11. Wonderful report and great photos! I'm facinated by your Russo-Japanese War games.

  12. Excellent game photos, Lee! I really liked seeing your RJW game. Any details on the scenario conceived for the game?

  13. I'll be darned, there were observation balloons in the Russo-Japanese War.

  14. Ah congratulations chaps - looks like a great game

  15. Great pics. Thanks for sharing mate. Looks like you had a fun game.

  16. Looks like it was a great event and congrats for the win to you and the team.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Looks like a great time on Broadside!
    Great pictures!

    Nearly missed it:
    Many congrats for the win to your team!



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