Thursday 8 May 2014

Horsing Around

I got a lot of painting done last night mainly because I managed to remain focused on my work and didn't allow myself to become distracted by silly things. Mind you, I didn't feel quite myself towards the end.

Ahem...on a more serious note, I did actually get a lot done last night. I've prepped a load of new vehicles and finished basecoating 40+ others. I also indulged in some retail therapy, purchasing some very expensive, but very nice, models direct from GHQ in the States. Postage costs from the US are frankly extortionate (20% the order value in this case!!!) so I'm not sure I'll do this again unless its a significantly large order. This isn't unique to this company, I've encountered high postage costs with several retailers and manufacturers from across the pond. .. its almost as if the US of A doesn't want to sell to anyone outside of North Amarica?!? Surely not!


  1. Hmmm... I see you somewhat changed... botox treatment perhaps?

    PS: Just got the book on the Desert Campaign Then and Now yesterday! Amazing is too short expression! Thanks for the recommendation

    1. Must be getting a cold in my throat...I was feeling a little horse. [groan]

      Glad you like the book.

  2. Well... That's your first picture without a mask on this blog, isn't it ?

    Excellent funny start for a rainy Thursday.


  3. Lee, why the long face? ...sorry I'll get my coat.

    1. Lol. The "horse walks into a bar" joke is possibly my favorite one-liner of all time and always makes me laugh. I guess I'm easily pleased...

  4. It would be deeply worrying if you found your (already excellent) painting IMPROVED wearing that. Please don't say it did.....!

    1. Funily enough trying to look through the nostrils of the mask didn't improve my skill with a brush!

  5. You don't look that healthy my friend maybe a visit to the veterinary is in order...
    On a sidenote: Postage from British companies to mainland Europe often is up to 20% also. Gripping Beast for example charge a rediculous 20% for their stuff. And there's no wide Atlantik in between, only a tiny channel.

  6. I'm sure you know Lee, but Magister Militum sell GHQ in the UK

    1. I normally buy from UK suppliers but I have often encounterd the situation where they do not have enough stock of the items I need, especially if I want multiples of the same blister pack. In the past I have had to wait two or three months before the supplier was restocked so this time I thought I would buy direct from the manufacturer to see if that shortened the delivery time. The postage/airmail costs are hard to swallow but hopefully I'll get my models much quicker this way.

  7. I started to comment out loud but then my voice got a bit Horse (Hoarse). :)
    Neigh. Neigh I say. You cannae paint like that laddie!

  8. Replies
    1. True, its been some time since I've had a full head of hair!

  9. Well the flip side of the coin is that when I order fine figures and vehicles made in UK I pay a lot in shipping as well. I even ordered some UK made figures from a guy in the states.....he said they were back ordered and I had to wait for him to get them from the manufacturer and then ship them to me. I of course paid all the shipping. So I also order direct from the manufacturer. GHQ also has nice paper model buildings to liven up your wargames table.

  10. I ordered the new 2nd Edition Great War Spearhead Rules last year. They were only sold on the Print to Order website (LuLu) who would not send to Dubai. So the writer of the rules said he would buy a copy and post it to me (from his home in Canada). The Canadian postal service charged more than $41 to send me a single magazine size set of rules that sold for $40 - so the postage ended up being over 100% (without a mark-up by the supplier)! And this was for normal airmail, not a courier service. What a rip-off.

    Andrew L

  11. You may not have the time to reciprocate but I added this great blog to my Liebster award list.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my blog enough to award it (even If I haven't been a very regular poster of late). Keep an eye out for my response post later today.


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