Monday 30 September 2013

Three Inch Brush

Posties Rejects gathered for a game at the weekend. Unfortunately I couldn't attend as I had made a prior promise to get a load of painting done. So instead of rolling terrible dice and having a laugh in Posties Shed-o-War I spent the whole weekend painting...  with a 3" brush. Yes, my promises to get some DIY done in the house finally came home to roost and I had to make good on my word. This weekend I was just focusing on the entrance Porch but despite being the smallest room in the house it took the best part of a week to clear & prep and the whole weekend to plaster and paint. Still, the job is done now. I've earned a bucket load of Brownie Points with Mrs BigLee and we've cleared another corner of the house of stuff we should have thrown out years ago (It's amazing how much detritus accumulates in the house over the course of 21 years of marriage!). 

So that's it really. Nothing else to report. Despite having a painting to-do list as long as my arm I never got near any of my projects this weekend, so I don't actually have anything to post about. No doubt this 'non-event post' will elicit a grumpy comment from the Angry Lurker but I don't mind.* Come to think of it, maybe he should change his Screen Name and become the Grumpy Lurker instead. What do you think?

The Angry Lurker?

...or the Grumpy Lurker?

*I'm feeling a bit mischievous this morning. Does it show? 


  1. My wife is always berating me about not doing DIY when I'm painting figures or, at present. wanting help cutting bushes back in the garden. I bought her a Bosch electric saw this weekend and that has given me enough credit to get on with a bit of (proper) painting this weekend.

    1. Its my own fault. I started the year in a fit of enthusiasm for 'sorting the house out' and made a load of rash promises to do some DIY. Yet another reason why I shouldn't drink at New Years parties!

  2. Well, at least you got something done - and getting rid of old stuff is alwalys good as it provides more place to put new stuff! :-)

    1. I'm working on the principle that if we empty the house of other junk then my models & terrain collection won't be at risk because there's plenty of room for it.

  3. Well done - have you figured out how many miniature painting hours your brownie points will translate into.

    Be careful not to be too efficient or you'll raise expectations and that's not a good place to go!

    I've been told by the wife to go out and get a few new saw blades for the table saw because she has a storage idea for next weekend - this doesn't sound very good!

    1. Not many I fear. When it comes to hobby time, wives extort a very high exchange rate!

  4. Which of the above pics is Fran, cos me and Postie can't tell them apart , the miserable swine!

  5. You're a good man Lee to be putting your wife before a game.

    Answering the question about changing Fran's name is a veritable mine field! So this is what I propose. We use Fran's picture as a meme just like the owners of Grumpy Cat did. You host a contest on your blog where we all submit our memes and we get to vote on which one is the funniest. The winner gets a new identity and is placed in the Witness Protection Program where Fran can never find them.

    I double triple dare you to do this Lee :)

    1. Lol...Only if I can make it clear it was your idea!

    2. Of course you can. I can get away with it as I have boobies :)

    3. she's right Lee.....don't do it!!!

  6. Bet keeping the wife happy is a good way to be, you may make the angry lurker angry when he comes to lurk

    1. He's Irish, being angry is in his DNA. ;-)

  7. I've been 'campaigning' for a major decluttering programme in our house for years. Now we've reached a point where she can't stand it either and suddenly I was right all along (not that she'll admit that of course).

  8. DIY brings our cellar to my mind which I've wanted to clear up for weeks... I hope Mrs Monty wont find out too soon... ;-)

  9. The 3" House brush is my weapon of choice when painting carousel horses. Didn't know you could use it for other kinds of painting, what an interesting concept.

  10. You have my sympathies... what I hate about decorating/DIY jobs, is they ALWAYS snowball; what seemed like just a need for a simple lick of paint, turns into needing a new roof, in the blink of an eye ;-)

    1. The other thing your significant other seems to not realise is that, just coz you are good at painting a 1" tall miniature, doesnt automatically translate into being able to paint the ceiling well with a 9' roller...

    2. Absolutely. I've always been a bit naff at DIY of any sort.

  11. The Grumpy Lurker made my day! I laughed out loud.


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