Tuesday 24 September 2013

1940's Weekend at Chatham Docks

Its getting a bit late in the year and as the weather begins to turn colder so that fairweather breed, the Reenactor, starts to pack away their gear for another year. The living history season isn't completely over just yet but all the major events that I attend have now run their course. The last of the year (for me at least) will almost certainly be the Chatham Docks 1940's weekend that I attended on Sunday. It's a nice one to finish on - if the weather plays ball - because its a family oriented and varied event with everything from military vehicles to 1940's fashions and all within the grounds of Chatham Docks which is itself an excellent museum. 

As usual I took my camera, although the grey weather made photographing the Spitfire flyover a bit challenging. Here's a selection of my pictures. 

British 3.7" Mobile Anti-Aircraft Gun (c.1942)
QF 40mm Mk 1* (c.1943)
A beautiful Austin Six
Chieftain AVRE, Mine Plough & Trailer
A Replica (static display) Spitfire
Period fire engines attended several 'incidents' during the day
A view across Chatham Docks towards the huge Slip 3 building which houses part of the Royal Engineers Museums collection including the D Day locomotive ‘Overlord’.
View from the bridge of the WWII Destroyer, Cavalier which served in the Arctic Convoys. 
40mm Bofors Single Mk VII, one of two on each side of the Cavalier
Shells for the 40mm Bofors
40mm Bofors Single Mk VII
A Jeep from the Long Range Desert Group
A Parade of vehicles
A beautifully restored Chevrolet Stylemaster US Navy Staff Car
A reenactor 'working' on a replica Hurricane
Patton reviews the troops
A Pearly King entertains the visitors with a redition of  'The Lambeth Walk
The MkIX Spitfire 'Spirit of Kent' gives a victory salute to Chatham Docks despite the low cloud. 
The weather was a bit grey throughout the day but it wasn't cold and at least it stayed dry. There are a couple of late Air Shows still to come in the UK but I won't be going to any of these so as already stated this will almost certainly be my last living history event of the year. 


  1. Wow, that looks like an excellent event and a perfect day out!

  2. This looks like a lot of fun. Patton and his troops do not look link they are ready to go to France though.

    1. I've seen plenty of reenactors that looks a little 'chubby'. Mind you I can hardly talk. If I were to take up reenactment I'd have to pick some suitably large character to portray... Herman Goering or someone like that!

  3. Great pics Lee, did you notice the old boy asleep while the Pearly King's murdering The Lambeth Walk!

  4. Nice pics though must admit the Pearly Kings doing the Lambeth Walk always makes me cringe...


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