Friday 26 July 2013

Well trained SWMBO

It's been a very quite week from a gaming and painting point of view. I've been on a training course for a few days so I've been a bit out of the loop as far as the Internet is concerned. By the time I have got in at the end of the day I haven't really felt like doing anything except fall asleep in front of the TV (or maybe that's just me getting old!). And this weekend is also going to be pretty busy, as we have two day trips planned now that the kids are on their summer break from school. I'm not moaning mind you, one trip is an archaeology day at the Tower of London and the other is the Spitfires and Merlins event at IWM Duxford on Sunday. I'll be posting pictures next week and if I'm lucky I might even get some painting done!

Anyway one highlight of the week was a mystery present from the wife... we both like browsing in charity shops as these are often the best place to find cheap books. I picked up a book for my Brother-in-law last weekend for just £0.50p that was originally priced at £7.99! I have often found great books at ridiculously low prices and although the selection is random and sometimes limited, you can often find some great stuff in these shops. And of course the named charity benefits from this exchange as well. So I got home earlier in the week and my wife handed me this largish package in a bag but it wasn't a book. Inside was one of the old Citadel Battlemats that used to retail between £15-18 and she bought for just £3.00. The Mat was in its box and looks like it has never even been used. So someone else's act of generosity has resulted in a bargain for me and a donation to the British Heart Foundation charity. 

That's a 'win win' scenario IMHO and proof that my lovely wife knows what makes me tick. I have her well trained! 


  1. Well trained my arse, you got lucky!

  2. wow they are as rare as Hobby horse sh1t these days glad I pick one up ages ago
    Peace James

  3. Very nice - bravo BHF!! 😁

  4. Bonus mate. Don't fancy a Wife Swop? Mine wouldn't even have noticed that as its not shoe or handbag shaped.

  5. Excellent bargain hunting. A really good find.

  6. What an incredible result, sounds like the best decision you every made marrying that good lady!

  7. Now that's a good wife you've got there. Fantastic price-you've done well all the way 'round.

  8. Wow! That is a fantastic find.

  9. Well spotted that (wo)man! Does SWMBO have any sisters?


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