Saturday 20 April 2013

First Pictures of Salute 2013

I'm really glad I only live a fifteen minute drive from the Salute 2013 wargame's show because every fiber of my body hurts after what has been an amazing day. The South London Warlords have done themselves proud today, putting on yet another cracking convention. I've already started to sort through my pictures and my aim is to post them here on BLMA by Monday (tomorrow if I can manage it). In the meantime here's a couple of pictures as a little taster of the 420+ photo's I took at today's incredible show:

The Queue guards were of the Imperial kind. The queue was huge and most attendees didn't get inside until well after the 10am start time.
Inside the Show at last. It seemed much busier this year.
The 'Meet the Rejects' Blogger gathering went very well. Thanks to everyone that stopped by to say hello.

UPDATE 22-4-13: Ray over at Don't throw a One has labled my picture and linked to many of the bloggers present. I've unashamedly copied his work here:
Add caption
Quoted from Rays blog....
"Pics from the blogger meet up, this one was unashamedly pinched from BigLee's blog. I'm not sure who the chap is behind Sydney, to the left of Mike Whittaker and behind James, other did turn up but didn't make the group pic, TamsinMiniMikeSebAndy, Mike - The Dark TemplerPhyilion and his brother, LegatusJerry & The Wild Goose.

In the pic are
Mike - Trouble At T'Mill
Carl - Hitting on a double 1
Whisperin' Al - The Wargaming Shed
James - Exiles Wargames Painter
Clint - Anything but a 1
Andy - The Lair of the Breviks
Fran - The Angry Lurker
Mathyoo - The Necroleadicon
Simon - BigRedBatCave
Dave - Round Dave's
Sydney - Roundwood's World
Markus - Sorry Markus I can't find your blog??
Ashley - Paint it Pink

Apologies if I've forgotten anyone, drop me a line or comment and I'll add you onto the list."

Normandy 1944
Napoleon overlooks his Waterloo
I'll write up a full show report and post the rest of my pictures as soon as possible but right now I need to shove my feet in a tub of ice water and sit in a darkened room for half an hour.


  1. I missed the group photo? Damn and curse those 2 guys who were paying by card for multiple purchases on the 4Ground stall for delaying me

  2. Yup, and I'm not on it either. Ok I was chatting with a French guy I know from my former club.

  3. Everyone I know is either at Salute, ReaperCon or The Crystal Brush-I mowed the lawn today and boy do my knees hurt.

    Glad to hear you had a grand time!!!!!

  4. Somehow I knew you'd be first to post some pics!!!!!

    1. I have a lot more to post tomorrow but yes, I wanted to get in their quick. I had a great day and spent a lot (a LOT) of money...just don't tell the wife!!

    2. You're such a fecking blog tart!

  5. "just don't tell the wife!!"

    I think you just have… very much looking forward to more pics.

  6. Great public service shot of the bloggers. Some really shady types there. Makes the anonymity of the internet seem an advantage . . .


  7. Would it be ok if I borrow your Napoleon picture for my blog? I will post a link to your blog with your attribution for the picture.

    Der Alte Fritz

  8. Look forward to seeing some more pics. Planning to come next year so hopefully may meet some of you all :D

  9. It looks like a lot of fun - I definitely need to go next year

  10. Nice pics Big Lee! Looks like it was a great time. Sorry I missed this year's gathering - I hope I can make it for 2014.

  11. Nice one Lee. Fast of the blocks and looking forward to more of the same from all the other bloggers.

  12. The blogger "flash mob" was very surreal!

    I had a very enjoyable Salute. It seemed really busy this year, but in a nice way.

    Cheers, Simon

    1. It was pretty cool how the group just came together like that. It was great to put some faces to names.

  13. Very cool, nice pics.

    I think you need to do a "who's who" label guide for the blogger meet up pic :-)

    1. Ray has already done that. Check out his blogpost here: Link

  14. Good to meet you in person Lee. An excellent set of photos as always - thanks for sharing them!


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