Thursday 25 October 2012

Brooklands Museum

On Wednesday I went to a work related conference in my capacity as the principle buyer of safety equipment for my departments Field Inspectors. The conference itself was interesting in a dull sort of way (five hours of presentations about 'occupational hand care'!) but the setting was much more enjoyable - Brookland's Motor Museum. When the lectures finished most of the guests, including myself and my Boss, shot outside to take a quick look around this surprisingly diverse and interesting museum.

A Tallboy bomb
Sopwith Camel
Hurricane under restoration
The 'Loch Ness' Wellington Bomber
Rear view of the Wellington
The nose of the Wellington
A Grand Slam bomb
The Bank at Brooklands
WWII Air Raid Shelter
Inside the WWII Air Raid Shelter
Classic car collection
London Bus Collection
Me my Boss and a college from another company on a Routmaster Bus
Racing Cars
The conference may have been dull but it had its compensations...its a hard life, but somebody has to do it! 


  1. Wow! I wish the events i have to trudge along to were held in places like that. Usually anonymous office blocks with strip lighting and whiteboards is all I see!

  2. Looks like a great museum. The type that concentrates more on restoration than making the place super smart and Disney like.

  3. Looks like something out of Iron Man. A stable of racing cars, a bomber with escort and ordnance and a supersonic executive jet to boot.

  4. I'll be at Brooklands again for three days next week - we have a client right next door, but looking through the fence is as close as I get to the museum.

  5. Good Lord, Lee. Why can't my conferences be at a place like THAT ?!? What a cracking place for a conference...even with the 'occupational hand care' lectures!


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