Thursday 22 March 2012

Fire and Fury at Broadside

For a change I'm not talking about FoW but this time the Fire and Fury rulebook. I've played this rule-set several times with the Rejects but only recently bought the rulebook (I picked it up at Cavalier a couple of weeks ago). My motivation for this rash act? Posties Rejects are planning on running a display game at Broadside later in the year.

I don't think Postie has picked a historical battle to recreate yet but given his wargaming megalomania I'm sure it will feature lots of figures. The plan is to play test the scenario the day after Salute so we can iron out any problems, decide on last minute changes to terrain or Orders of Battle etc.. The Angry Lurker has also told me we will also be playing host to a couple of Canadian bloggers (Curt of Analogue Hobbies and Dallas from the Fawcett Ave Conscripts) who are coming over for Salute so I hope we put on a good game for them!

The first game I ever played with the Rejects was a fictional ACW engagement using the Fire and Fury rules. At that time I'd not really wargamed for years and I certainly hadn't seen or read this rule-set before. Despite this the rules for that first battle seemed straightforward and deceptively simple. Having now bought (and read!) the rulebook I can say the rules really are as easy as they seemed in that first game. Personally I don't think that's a bad thing as it means players can concentrate on the small matter of tactics!

I'll post more information about the Broadside display game in due course but needless to say I'm really looking forward to this.


  1. Hmm. I've had my eye on Fire & Fury as well as Battlefront for some time now. I'll try to resist the temptation a little longer.

  2. Looks interesting, and am looking forward to seeing how it goes at Broadside for you guys.. good luck!

  3. You may have been premature about the game Lee, Postie has had a brainwave and we're waiting for him to cool down!

    1. What sort of brainwave...Inspiration? or Panic?

    2. As in a WWI type of panic, we may be doing that instead now???

    3. This project has more twists and turns than a twisty-turny thing! Well whatever we end up playing I'm just looking forward to a good game and a chance for a chin-wag.

    4. Don't sweat it guys I changed games 2 weeks before a show once. And pulled it off.

      Just seen the hall plan for layout. You guys should be in the Wyvernn Hall (close to the bar). But I am now beginging to wonder if that's a good idea.

  4. Sounds good. I hope you take lots of pics with your spy fi camera

  5. F&F is my all time favourite rule set end point.:-)


  6. Fand F are a great set of rules. The regimental version are even better, I think. Either way looking forward to the picks from the demo game, whatever it turns out to be.

  7. Highly recommend Fire and Fury; probably my favorite set of rules.

  8. Order, counterorder, disorder. Best not to confuse the troops too much.

  9. Had these rules for years and still dust them off for ACW games. One of the best systems I've owned.


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