Monday 7 November 2011

15mm Shoulder Patch Decals

I had a little envelope in the post today marked as having been sent from Utah in the USA. This raised a few eyebrows at home as nobody could figure out why I was receiving a letter from someone in Utah. Firstly, why shouldn't someone in America write to me (I don't bite) and secondly, it wasn't a letter in the envelope, it was some very very small decals.

These are the US 101st Airborne Shoulder Patches (code MGS-D18(15MM)) made by Mustang Games. I first heard about these on the Model Dads Blog (readers also get a 25% discount!) and so when I bought a box of US paratroopers I knew immediately that these decals were an essential purchase.

I'll be honest though, the prospect of fitting these tiny decals onto the shoulders of over a hundred 15mm figures is daunting. I'm a long way from reaching this stage but when I get there I expect this part of the project will take a very long time. Having said that the decals look excellent and I'm sure they will make all the difference to the finished platoon.

Mind you, when I showed my wife what I had bought she looked at me in a whole new way. You know the look; it's the one that says "you're certifiably insane" without the need for words. I suspect that by the time I've applied these decals to my models I may agree with her.


  1. They're eye busting mate...good luck.

  2. Glad you could make use of the 25% discount, we'vew done a video that I hope will help with the application of these tiny decals. Check out Mustang Games website or the Model Dads YouTube channel.

  3. Oh my Lord! I think your wife might be right! They really are small but do look awfully good!

  4. Wow - you only get that look for buying insanely small decals (not that said purchase is not fully justifiable and will likely positively impact your die rolling)? I get that look for just breathing in


  5. Whoa, you mean that others amongst us also get 'that' look? I hope she's impressed with the finished product...

  6. They did not work well for me on my 3rd Armor. They were on paper decal paper and it was much to stiff to easily warp to the rounded shoulder. They seemed too big & nearly disintegrated into nothing with all the color breaking away. If I did it again I would ask Dave to make them on transparent decal like the BF decals. The white paper backing will require touch up paint. I did use some on a few vehicles but, all in all, very disappointing and not worth the effort.

  7. Good luck Lee, looking forward to seeing the end product. 15mm are bad enough but shoulder patches!!! on 15mm, well,...... I'll see you on the other side.


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