Friday 9 September 2011

The DDD's Twerible Twittering

First off let me apologise for the title of this post. I'm the first to moan when someone starts using that unforgivable abuse of the English language that is Twitterspeak. For those that don't know this is the process where you take the first two letters of the microblogging service Twitter and merge them - painfully and often with the aid of a large hammer - to the front of your chosen word. However in this instance I just couldn't help myself and I apologise unreservedly.

The Dagenham Dungeon Delvers are gathering tonight for our semi-regular 4e DnD game night. The campaign is progressing slowly but steadily towards a climax and all our characters are geared up for the inevitable battle to come. But this week we are joined by one of our wayward players, Andrew, who rarely gets to games because of his job - and the fact that he lives in Lincoln, 150 miles away (poor excuse, but we'll let it pass). Andrew is something of an agent provocateur and his presence is almost guaranteed to result in trouble for our characters. With action, conflict and witty banter almost certainly a feature of tonight's game we thought it a good opportunity to report our game live to the twitterverse (there I go again).

Myself @BigLee and fellow Blogger, Derek @djkettlety, will be posting live tweets throughout the evening. I'm not sure if this will become a regular thing (we sort of do it already but not in an organised or coordinated way) but we thought we would give it a try and see if it proved popular.

If you're interested in following the action we will be posting with the hash-tags #DDD and #BLMA from 7pm until about 11pm.

I'll resist the temptation to say "Thank You" in twitterspeak, because that would just be wrong on so many levels. Instead let me say we look forward to you joining us and we hope you enjoy our strange mix of humour and mayhem that make up our game nights.

1 comment:

  1. Typical! Due to trouble on the trains our GM can't get to Dagenham for the game... and as its his game that sort of puts a spanner in the works. Long story short the 4E DnD game is cancelled.

    However the rest of the group are still on their way. We are determined to play something even if its just Tic-Tac-Toe!


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