Wednesday 15 June 2011

Broadside 2011 - Show Report & Pictures

Last Sunday Posties Rejects visited Broadside, a new Wargames show in Kent run by the Milton Hundred Wargames Club. The club is relatively new (only starting in 2009) but clearly have grand ambitions. The show itself was held in two halls inside the Swallows Leisure Centre in Sittingbourne. The venue had a lot to recommend it including plentiful car parking close by, an on site café and lots of room to expand the show in the future.

On the downside the lighting in the main sports hall was terrible with everyone looking like they had Jaundice. It was also hot, damned hot. The swimming pool was right next door and consequently the sports hall had close to 100% humidity with no external ventilation. A lot of words have been spoken about unwashed gamers at shows, but with conditions like these the unmistakable convention-odour was inevitable.

There was a good selection traders at the show with a reasonable selection of goods available to purchase. I say reasonable because some stalls held limited stock of key ranges (meaning FOW in my case). Having said that there were lots of new products available including the latest offerings from The Plastic Soldier Company and Battlefront amongst others.

The Angry Lurker has already mentioned one of my purchases of the day, a dice bag with a Balkan Cross embroidered on it. He was less than flattering about my choice and even suggested I was a little ‘touched’ in the head. I would like to say here and now I refute that accusation. My dice are very happy in their new home and have whispered to me that they will show their appreciation by rolling high for me next time I use them.

Considering this was a brand new show – with no reputation to precede or recommend it – I though there was a very good selection of Demo and Participation games on offer. I particularly enjoyed the British Model Soldier Societies Ancients battle of opposing chariot armies.

I came home with a respectable amount of Loot from this show. I bought two books from the ever reliable Lanchester Books. Most of the volumes on sale are in excellent (if not mint) condition and at very reasonable prices. My best purchase has to be Tanks in Camera by David Fletcher (Librarian at the Tank Museum). I’ll review this properly in due course but its packed full of interesting pictures that illustrate the build up and duration of the Desert War in North Africa.

Also purchased were several 15mm resin buildings for my Normandy games table. Best of the lot is a small Norman Church which cost just £12 and will I think will look spectacular when painted and placed on the battlefield. I also picked up some cheap tins of GW Satin varnish and of course the aforementioned dice bag. All in all not a bad little haul of goodies from such a small show.


  1. Good to know that there are new wargames shows starting up, which has to be good for the hobby.

  2. Always nice walking away with new goodies.


  3. I thought it was it's first year, the numbers or traders were definitely not good then for it's third year. Nice report and yellow pictures weirdo.

  4. I saw the pic of your dice bag - nice haul! My Lad now wants a cool bag for his shiny new gem dice. He is so proud of his first set!

  5. Angry - The club is three years old but this is the first year they have run a show.
    Paul - The bag wasn't cheap. £13 for the embroided versions and £9 for plain bags. But the embroided one just called to me from across the hall... I couldn't resist.

  6. Nice photos Lee, your and Fran's photos came out quite well compared to mine. I've tried to post mine several times, but blogger won't let me add any photos to my blog.....ggrrrr!!!

  7. Hi! I want to say you that there is a Stylish Blogger Award for you here:
    Thanks for your blog that I follow in every post : )

  8. Looks like a nice (new) show. Good to see a shot of the lighting - I can see a trend starting.


  9. Great pics Lee.

    Do you think they will stick with the venue given the problems re ventilation and Fran's obsession with the lighting?


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