Saturday 7 May 2011

The week that wasn't

Well folks its been a strange week. Last Sunday (the 1st May) I had a recurrence of the Cellulitis (a skin infection) that knocked me for six a few years ago. Once again my left leg flared up and within a few hours looked like I'd poured boiling water all over it. Sunday itself was a bit of a blur as the forty degree temperature that accompanies the infection meant I was delirious. After an ambulance ride to Accident and Emergency (and a 3 and a half hour wait for antibiotics) I was eventually admitted to a ward.

I'm still in hospital and will be here until at least Monday. I'm on an intense dose of intravenous antibiotics and until the doctors consider it safe to move me to oral antibiotics I will have to remain in hospital. I feel fine now, although my leg isn't a pretty site and hurts when I try to walk. The main problem I have is utter boredom. I've read several books (reviews in due course!) but nothing changes the fact that I'm essentially stuck in a bed and unable to do anything.

All this means that BLMA is going to fall silent for a few days. I had several posts prepped and scheduled for the week just gone and they have now posted. But I've run out of stock articles for now and needless to say I'm not getting ANY painting or gaming done. Hopefully I'll be released from hospital next week and normal service can resume soon.


  1. I'm very sorry to hear of the re-occurance, hopefully the Dr's can get it under control quickly. There's nothing worse than being stuck in a hospital.

    Good luck and perhaps you can take the time to bone up on all the new rulesets coming out!


  2. Sorry to hear that mate, get better soon.

  3. Hope you get well soon. All the best.

  4. Sorry to hear that and hope you get better quickly.

    I say you con some of the hospital staff into letting you get some of your minis and paint so you have something to do. Tell them it will help with the healing process :)

  5. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  6. Get well soon!

  7. My golly, that sound terrible! I do hope you make a swift recovery.

  8. Hope you feel better soon. A weekend of watching TV in hospital should remind you how much better our hobby is !!

  9. My best wishes for a quick recovery

  10. Hope you get well soon mate..

  11. I've just read up on it and it sounds rough. I hope it's been nipped in the bud. Being stuck in can stink too, but could be a great time to design and playtest a very rules-light wargaming system..! I'm half serious though. Are there any? I can't think of one.

  12. We missed you at the game on Friday big guy, funny it was the first game since Feb and a couple of our wandering players had returned. We're thinking of you, and lets hope you do get out of there when they say.

  13. Ouch...! Same thing that Henry (of Battlegames) had last year I think, so you're in good company... ;o)

  14. Here's to a quick recovery.


  15. Get well and take care

  16. All the best for a speedy recovery!


  17. Sorry to hear that. I wish you a speedy recovery and at least hope the books your reading are giving you some enjoyment.

    Best Regards


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