Wednesday 29 December 2010

No coal in my stocking

I must have been a good boy this year because I got a lot of nice new toys for Christmas. I also have my Christmas List handy to buy anything that I didn't get.

I got a new Camera Bag and Tripod, both of which are sorely needed. The Tripod in particular as my old one broke a few months ago and I used it primarily for photographing miniatures at home. I don't as a rule take tripods with me to conventions or living history displays, partly because I hate lugging the weight around and partly because a tripod just gets in the way of other people. I much prefer a Mono pod for show photography.
Another much awaited present is the new Kevin Dallimore Master Class book. I like his style of painting and his previous book (and articles on the Foundry website) have lots of useful tips and suggestions. I picked this book up at SELWG back in October for my wife. The lovely woman had given me express instructions to buy something for myself for Christmas, and who was I to argue?!
My daughter bought me a porcelain mixing pallet which is something I've been looking to buy for a while now. I can buy cheap plastic ones for a few pounds but they are horrible to clean, especially when scratched. The porcelain pallet should be a lot easier to wipe clean and wash, saving a lot of time and swearing!

I also received the usual clutch of DVDs but amongst them was a surprise from my in-laws that played to my weakness for Tanks. A 6 DVD set of programmes looking at the Tank Battles of WWII. That's five hours of programming to keep me quiet and keep me happy. 

Now all that remains is for me to mop up and buy some of the items missing from my list. I've already put in an order for a couple of books on Amazon (must get in before the VAT increases on January 4th!) and I'm hunting around the Internet for a bargain or two in the sales. Its a bumper Christmas for me.


  1. Sounds like you must have been a very, very good boy this year!!
    You coming to the game on Sunday??

  2. Not sure if I can make it. Aside from the all pervading illness running rampant amongst the family, I may have to work. I'm trying to figure out whats going on over the next few days and when I know I'll let you know.

  3. Good to hear you got good goodies, me and Ray got a lot of coal.

  4. You probably deserved it.... lol

    Most of the stuff I 'received' came in the form of cold hard cash for me to spend in the Sales. I've already placed one order with Amazon with a second in the offing. I'm also casting my eye forward to the next convention/show I can attend.

  5. We're going to spend our pennies at Cavilier in Tonbridge on the 27th Feb

  6. I also spend loads at wargames shows on behalf of my wife. In fact every show is just like a mini-Xmas for me. I not sure how I cope with the guilt! :)

  7. Cavalier always makes a good start to the show season IMHO


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