Sunday 19 December 2010

Big Picture : Mortar Team

A rather young looking Mortar team prepare their weapon under instruction. Taken at Bunker Bash this group re-enact the 101st Airborne Division, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment.


  1. Don't look directly down the barrel of the mortar you goof! :)

  2. Are they testing for anew Scout badge maybe? :^)

  3. I bet those youngsters have more knowledge on the veterans they portray compared to any normal high schooler. I applaud their participation

    1. Thanks for the comment. 2 of the 3 youngsters in this photo were known personally by a 502 vet. I say "were" because he sadly passed away in Feb this year. Their activities were held in very high regard by this vet.

    2. Thanks, because im a youngster,

  4. Good on them for taking an interest, reenacting is an expensive hobby for a youngster to get involved in.
    The Sargent with the fag and the modern wristwatch isn't setting a very good example.

    Santa Cruz Warhamemr

    1. Ha ha, just came across this web page. Your comment made me laugh!

      Actually though I know the sergeant and that wristwatch is actually a WWII US style wristwatch on a leather armband with removable leather dial cover (removed in the photo). and if you look closely the fag is not lit.

      The youngsters in question had just received full drill training in using the mortar. They thoroughly enjoyed it and now some 2 1/2 years later they are still all in the hobby and have learnt a number of other life skills... er like how to use a bayonet, how to use an M1919 A4 machine gun, how to drill with an M1 rifle, how to field strip a Thompson sub machine gun, just to name a few.

      Why not come to the 2012 War and Peace show and see them put these into practice!

    2. Tom, I'll be at War & Peace for two days this year. Weather (and mud) permitting I hope to get round the whole site over two days and I'll keep an eye out for your group.

  5. Are those people action man sized or real? Somehow the perspective against those jeeps makes them appear to be action men. :) As I understand it they managed to knock out the local council planning office at this event, the old mortar had some life left in it.

  6. good pic im 13 and am in a 101st airborne group

  7. Wow, two years since this photo was taken, i look so young!!

    No, we didn't take out anything with this mortar, all our kit is strictly deactivated, only crow scarers work on it.

    16 then, 19 now, still go to the same event, love it!


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