Friday 24 December 2010

Big Picture : Christmas Truce

Its Christmas Eve and we are very busy in the Hadley household. We have twelve people over for dinner tomorrow and it will be a very busy but enjoyable day. Needless to say the preparations for the weekends festivities have left little time for gaming, painting or indeed blogging! But I'll be doing my best to rectify this after the presents have been opened and the turkey has been digested.

I was thinking about what to write for today and decided to look at the Post I wrote last year about the Christmas Truce of 1914. This got me thinking about a game I saw at Salute in April. This was a 'fantasy' football version of the 1914 Christmas football match played by the troops in no-mans-land. The game was run by FrothersUnite UK and was loosely based on the Subbuteo rules with the addition of a few extras like artillery barrages, snipers and minefields!

Merry Christmas to all the readers of BLMA and I hope you all get lots of goodies in your stocking!


  1. This night i saw a movie about the Christmas truth of 1914. Forgot the title.
    Merry Christmas to you and your dear ones.

  2. Have a wonderful holiday with your family and guests!


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